Hello Cumby fans,
Thank you for checking our website! We are stoked to host The Cumby on May 3, 2025. This will be year ten of the Cumby.
Thank you for your ongoing enthusiasm for our race. If you are new to The Cumby we know you will have a great time enjoying our hospitality and a choice of one of our races. We will continue to have 3 races: Quarter Cumby - 8.0 km, Half Cumby - 16 km and Full Cumby - 26 km. We have not raised our registration fees in three years.
The Cumberland Hills always provide a lot of well...hills, and our route this year will be completely runnable. The start of the race will provide for competitors to spread out before heading up...you know, a hill. There will be a few changes from 2024 for the Full Cumby though the Quarter and the Half Cumby will remain the same route.
We plan to meet at Race Central at Village Park once again under the cover of those magnificent Douglas Fir trees.
Of course our commitment to the Cumberland Community Forest never wains. We were so pleased to hand over a big fat cheque last May to the CCF to the tune of $46,432. This great contribution from our sponsors, participants and donors brings us to a total of $223,432 over the last 9 years of the Cumby.
Our organizing committee is very eager to welcome youth and families to our races and particularly to our 8.0 km race. We keep the registration fees low for all youth under 19 years for the Quarter Cumby. We are committed to supporting the next generation of trail runners and racers.
Can't wait to see you in person on May 3, 2025! Registration opens on February 1, 2025.
Cathy Clark
Race Director for The Cumby,
on behalf of the Comox Valley Road Runners
photo credit to Bill Jorgensen
The theme of Cumby 2025 is
The Cumby Trail Race has raised over $223,000 to support the important work of the Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS) . You are playing a role in protecting the hills, forest, creeks and wetlands adjacent to Cumberland.
The Cumberland Community Forest Society (CCFS) has been actively protecting forests, creeks, wetlands and watersheds surrounding the Village of Cumberland for 25 years. With the support of an amazing community, they've completed 5 major land purchases from private timber companies totaling over 545 acres. The CCFS continues to work tirelessly to secure ecologically sensitive areas within the Perseverance and Trent Watersheds, protect sensitive ecosystems, restore degraded lands and waters, build climate resilience and protect the places that make the Comox Valley so special. Right now they are turning their attention to lands on both the east and west of the current protected Cumberland Forest lands. One of these areas is known as "Middle Earth", a forested zone of land that is nestled between the existing Cumberland Forest parkland and a large expanse of privately owned lands (forestry and development). Is Middle Earth inhabited by Elves and Dwarves? We shall find out soon enough! The CCFS is supported by a diverse community of individuals and organizations (like the Cumby!) dedicated to protecting and caring for the lands and waters that both nature, and our community, rely upon. Visit www.cumberlandforest.com to learn more about their events, programs and to be the first to hear exciting updates in the months ahead!
The Cumby team and the Comox Valley Road Runners want to build our population of racers to include youth and new trail racers and walkers. For Cumby 2025 we have an 8.0 km route that will make you want to come back for more next year. Medals in more categories for youth. We keep our registration fees low for our 19 and under population of runners.
We have such great community support for our race. Cumby volunteers are fabulous, from the familiarization run leaders, to the equipment set up folks, the mountain biking first aid attendants, our wonderful food preps, aid station folks, sweeps and all the others who make this race so special.
We thank you. Please say thank you as you race by them on race day!
Want to volunteer? Send us an email volunteerscumby@cvrr.ca
photo credit to Lorenz Jimenez
Trail racing on Vancouver Island has never been so good. There are so many races to choose from with 50 mile ultras, series races all up and down the island, the return of the much loved klimb in the north island and other independent races. However, have you heard about the Trifecta? We welcome you to enjoy all three races in the Cumberland Hills. Of course our beloved Cumby is in early May, and then Devils Ladder offers a 50 km, a 30 km and a 15 km in mid July and the Perserverance Trail Race wraps up the threesome at the end of October. All three races fundraise for the Cumberland Community Forest!