Full Cumby starts at 0900 sharp - Registration opens at 07:30. Closes at 08:30
Cut Off at 12:30 at AS #3 (about 18 km)
Quarter Cumby starts at 09:20 sharp Registration opens at 08:00 Closes at 09:00
No Cut off for the Quarter Cumby
Half Cumby starts at 09:50 sharp. Registration opens at 08:30 Closes at 09:30
Cut Off at intersection of Roundout and 50:1 at 10:40 (50 minutes from the start of race)
#1. Access Road just before heading up Jerry's Way ~ 5km
- serving only water.
#2. On 50:1, where Roundout and Rufus connect. ~ 13 km (or at 4 km for the Quarter Cumvy
- serving water, fruit and cookies
#3 & #4; On Davis lake Main East Road, bottom of Two Shoes and Tunnel Canary.
~18km and 23 km.
-serving water, cookies, fruit
Our start and finish line is at the Cumberland Village Park on Dunsmuir Ave just as Royston Road becomes Dunsmuir beside the BMX Park https://www.google.com/maps/place/Cumberland+Village+Park,+Royston+Rd,+Cumberland,+BC+V0R+1S0/@49.6184125,-125.0226356,17.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x54881535ea848361:0xa1475e5de23e1608!8m2!3d49.6184074!4d-125.0212139
Parking and toilets can be found near the start line at the east side of the baseball diamond in the Cumberland Village Park. Please share your ride with others. Parking attendants will be available and we encourage you to park around the Village Park. Please pay attention to the parking signage in the neighbourhood. You will also be directed to Ulverstan Road and behind the Cumberland Museum.
After the race! Quarter Cumby awards at 11:30. Half Cumby and Full Cumby awards at 1pm
Medals Age Categories are based on day of race birthdates
Quarter Cumby Male and Female,
8 and under
9 and 10
11 and 12
13 and 14
15 and 16
17, 18, 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
Half Cumby Male and Female,
< 15
16 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
Full Cumby Male and Female,
16 - 19
20 - 29
30 - 39
40 - 49
50 - 59
60 - 69
70 - 79
We will be providing lots of goodies for you after your race. Chocolate milk, a hot dish, fruit and Cumberland Bakery Doughnuts! Hot dish is provided by the Cumberland Community Forest .
The Cumberland Community Forest will also be hosting a Beer tent so bring some cash on the day. All proceeds to the CCF.